May 26, 2012

Poptropolis Games now Available for Members!

The fire has been lit!
Poptropolis games is now available for members! we will soon be posting a review, but for now i am running a poll to see which event you like best: archery, diving, hurdles, javelin, long jump, pole vault, power lifting, shot put, or ( my personal favorite ) triple jump. and, since non-members can't play it yet, there is a demo available. in case your wondering, i chose the tribe seraphim, which means angel, and i wore my angel wings during the games. i hope the members have fun with this island and that the non-members like the demo! see ya in the next post! :D

May 20, 2012

Poptropican Costumes: Secret Agent

The Secret Agent Costume
It's been over a week since i last did a poptropican costume, so i made this one. this costume is 100% customizable which means: no buying store items! the items involved with this costume are: a head piece from a multi player room, the hair and bangs from the girl on main street of red dragon island, the suit from the secretary on spy island and the mouth from one of the "randomized" characters from early poptropica. if you don't want to run around all day trying to find all the pieces of this costume, you can customize it from my costume closet on poptropica friends by adding my user name ( rachel9041 ) to your friends list. i love this costume because it looks very professional and agent like. i also love the head piece i stumbled upon in a multi player room. it really completes the look. let me know if you find any unique items like this headpiece around poptropica and tell me where to find it. see ya in the next post! :D

May 18, 2012

Poptropolis Games Countdown and Poll Results!

Poptropilas Games Countdown!
On the poptropica home page, the creators have added a countdown for poptropilas games! of course, this shows when it will be available for Members not non-members. i am unhappy that members get early access where as non-members have to wait for a month (usually). but, i am excited for poptropilas games to come out. also, the poptropica creators have been posting about the different tribes in poptropilas on the creators' blog. so, i am updating our poll ( since it has been a week ) to see which tribe you will choose. and as for the last poll, which asked how long you've been in poptropica, here are the results: 80% of you said that you have been in poptropica since the beginning and 20% said a few years. no one has joined fairly recently ( or at least no one said it ) and nobody just joined either. as for the current poll, you can find more information about the tribes of poptropica on the creators' blog which can be found on the poptropica home page. i personally like Seraphim. see ya in the next post! :D

May 16, 2012

Space Island?

An image from the Daily Pop
Recently, poptropica has been posting some space related images on the Daily Pop. this one in particular makes me suspect the next island will be called something like "space island". I'm guessing you will have to perform the famous moon landing from 1969 but in poptropican form. but, there is a flaw in this because if this is what the next island is about, it won't be the first time a poptropican goes to the moon. in astro knights island, you have to travel to the moon to get a new rocket ship.but i guess the rocket scientists in poptropica don't know that. i am excited for another chance to travel into poptropican space, especially since it seems we get to be astronauts with suits that have air instead of knights that are somehow breathing on the moon with no oxygen suit. I'll be watching the daily pop closely to see if there are anymore mentions of the moon. see ya in the next post! :D

May 15, 2012

Another darn glitch

"No you may not delete" glitch
Well, Poptropica has done it again with another strange glitch! I was trying to delete someone from my friends list, and it didn't delete! As you can see, the person is highlighted. I clicked yes, and I looked at my friends list... still there. I tried again... still there. Again, again, again... still there. Well, like I said, Poptropica has the weirdest glitches! Well, I'll see you in the next post! (whenever that is!)

May 14, 2012

Item review: baby suit

Baby suit gets 2/5 Lazy Flyer stars
I was sorta surprised how... interesting this outfit is. i haven't seen this outfit before until today. I think it looks okay, i guess, but its actions are what makes its Lazy Flyer star count so low. I have seen no actions that are worse than this, at least, don't remember seeing any. I mean, the actions are:
the rattle SLIGHTLY rattling (weird)
crying I mean, REALLY? You can do that in the multiplayer room!
The price is 75 credits! NOT worth it!
So on a scale of 0-5 LF stars, 1- do not even think about getting it! 2- It's really stupid in my opinion, but get it if you believe it isn't, 3- Okay,   I guess, but could be better, so I sorta recommend getting it, 4- Get it it's pretty good or 5-BUY IT BUY IT BUY IT!! The baby suit gets a 2. Friend me if you like @ superhero237, and I'll see you in the next post (whenever that is!)

May 13, 2012

Poll Results!

So, we've had a poll going for almost a week about poptropica friends. we asked, "how do you feel about poptropica friends?" and here are the results: 63% said they loved it ( which isn't very surprising! ), 18% said that it was okay, 9% said they did not like it ( which i can understand with all the recent glitches in it ), and another 9% said they didn't know what it was. I'm glad that most people loved it and i hope there aren't any more glitches in it in the future. the new poll is: How long have you been in poptropica? see ya in the next post! :D

Another random glitch!

me jumping without clicking glitch
I was going to my ship on Skullduggery island and I was jumping really far by putting my mouse all the way off the screen then jumping. After I stopped jumping, I moved my mouse around. Well, my character moved along with it! I wasn't even clicking! It was just moving! After I clicked again, though, the glitch stopped. I tried it again, jumping by clicking off the screen and it happened again! It was so weird! While this was happening, it also wouldn't let me embark. Poptropica has the weirdest glitches! See you in the next post! (whenever that is!)

May 11, 2012

Poptropica Friends Glitch!

the poptropica friends glitch
At about 11:30 AM, i found this glitch on poptropica friends. there is a blank medal back round where there should be personality pieces! poptropica friends has had alot of problems considering they already had to take it down once. i hope they get this fixed soon because i want to see my full profile! also, in the white tab in the lower right corner of the medal back round it says "und" which probably means undefined. also, when you roll over the blank medal back round with your mouse, it says "i completed null." what's null?! weird, right? guess it's just part of the glitch but they really need to fix that. especially for new players who just started poptropica! at least i can still access my photos and closet though! still, they need to fix this so players can get the full experience of poptropica friends. there is only one personality piece showing and that is the one i got today. hopefully, they fix this glitch soon. see ya in the next post! Update: This glitch gets weirder and weirder! i tried viewing my friends' profiles and they worked fine. then i got to a friend who had personality pieces on two different pages ( like me ) and the glitch was on his account too! it looks like this glitch is only for people with two pages that have personality pieces. seeing as you can't delete personality pieces, they need to fix this soon! yes, not everyone has this glitch but they still need to fix this because eventually, players will get more personality pieces and have just as much as us and won't be able to view them at all! please fix this poptropica! Update: 6:30 PM The glitch is fixed! yay! now we can go back to viewing our full profiles! hopefully there won't be any problems with poptropica friends in the future...

May 10, 2012

Poptropican Fashions: The Godess

The Goddess
I have created yet another poptropican fashion. this one is called The Goddess. this outfit is 100% customizable. the items involved can be found around mythology island but the hair is just from other players in a multi player room. to be more precise on where to find the items from mythology island, the head piece is from the girl wearing the purple dress in Herc's Hero Hut, the lips are from one of the girls on main street, and the dress is from Athena. as i said before, the hair is from a player i met in the multi player rooms but this outfit is also in my costume closet, so you can customize it from there by adding me ( user name: rachel9041 ). i like this look because it has a beautiful and royal feel to it. of course, you can also wear this in other color schemes. like a blue dress with straight hair or a pink one with a bun. there are lots of different ways to wear this so try coming up with different looks! see ya in the next post! :D

Poptropilis Games Members Pack!

Poptropilis Games Members Pack
As you may have noticed, the Poptropilis Games Members Pack is in the poptropica store! the members pack includes: poptropilis discus, wrestling gear, and plant-a-statue power.i had tons of fun with the plant-a-statue power in the multi player rooms. i especially liked that you could choose which statue to plant and the little pigeons that came flying to sit on your statue. the discus was also fun to send flying around the room ( although it gets pretty annoying in multi player rooms since when you throw it, it pauses the game and every one's characters have to stop what they're doing ) and i liked the color choices. the wrestling gear, not so much. i was expecting something more Greek or statue like. instead they gave us this tacky wrestling suit with nothing to show its from poptropilis except for the big "P" on the front. you know, there's a reason why the character wearing it is frowning. but, besides the wrestling suit, this members pack is pretty cool and has great interactive items. I'm still a little sad that this is members only because i know that my non-member friends would love the interactive items. but, i can't really change that it's member exclusive so might as well enjoy it. so members, have fun growing statues and throwing discs! ( and wearing ugly wrestling outfits ) see ya in the next post! :D

May 8, 2012

Poptropican Costumes: The Katniss Costume

The Katniss Costume
Alot of people love reading the Hunger Games and since the movie came out, the Hunger Games is as popular as ever. so, i decided to put together a Katniss costume. this costume is made up of: the jacket and belt from the Vampire Girl 1 costume, the bow, arrows, and shirt from the robin hood outfit, the hair from Mythology Surfer Girl, and lips, bangs and pants are customizable items. no, the costume is not %100 accurate, but hey it's close. i didn't create this whole outfit. i found the jacket and shirt idea from a comment on poptropica secrets website but i can't remember who's comment it was! so i really don't know who to give credit too... but anyways i know this outfit is made up of mainly store items but there are other braids and jackets to customize on poptropica. i definitely suggest getting the robin hood costume though because of the bow and arrows. if you want to customize this, it is also in my costume closet. my user name is rachel9041 so you can add me to look through my costume closet. remember, store items are not customizable so i suggest either buying them or substituting with something else. let me know if you have any other movie characters ( preferably girls :3 ) that you think i should make a poptropican costume for. see ya! :D

New Contributor!

Me and Lazy Flyer
As you can see from the post below, i have a new contributor! her name is Lazy Flyer and she will be posting poptropica reviews and other things like that.she's actually the one who first introduced me to poptropica and is one of my real life friends. she's been on poptropica a long time. longer then me! i hope she has a fun time posting stuff but I'm still showing her around a bit, so she might not be posting as often as me. but hopefully, once she's got everything figured out, she can post more often! so check back to see Lazy Flyer's posts. see ya!

I just joined!

I am so glad I can have a blog! Of course, it's not completely mine. my friend, Tiny Stomper, is the true creator. I'm just glad to be on a blog, like a co-owner. I enjoy Poptropica and I have been on since Shark Tooth Island was created, only two islands, and I have played ever since!

Lazy Flyer

Poptropican Fashions: The Rocker Girl

The Rocker Girl
I have created yet another poptropican fashion which i call: Rocker Girl.the nice thing about the rocker girl is that there are only two store items involved so you can get a rock star look without buying much. in fact, you really don't need to buy anything unless you feel that you absolutely need the guitar and face paint. if you do feel like you need the store items, you can get them from the Rock Star costume. the main purpose of this outfit though is that the hair, shirt, jacket, pants and bangs are all customizable! so you can get the awesome rocker hair without buying anything! the lips and bangs are also customizable though they can be substituted with something else. this outfit, like many others, is in my costume closet. to access it just friend my user name ( rachel9041 ) and customize it from my costume closet.try coming up with different versions. then take a screen shot and leave a comment with a link to it. i hope you have fun mixing and matching outfits to make your own rocker look! see ya in the next post! :D

Island Review: Twisted Thicket

As you probably know, Twisted Thicket is now out for non members! i thought since everyone can play it, now is the perfect time to write a little review. i have not completed Twisted Thicket on my main character rachel9041 but have completed it on one of my back-up characters. i thought twisted thicket was somewhat hard but at the same time really fun and very original and different from the other islands. it had a magical theme but was also an epic adventure at the same time. i absolutely love this island because it has a balance. some parts of it ( like the Nokken part ) were a little creepy for people who like things that sorta pop out at you. while the elves chasing after you added some excitement. and of course the fairy tale theme set it apart from all other islands on poptropica. i also liked that you got a special necklace that provided different powers after you completed the island, just like mythology island and super power island. i also loved the members pack ( as you can see I've got an awesome Dryad follower ) and thought that the Troll costume was very unique. over all, this mystical island is very exciting and i hope everyone enjoys playing it. see you in the next post! :D

May 7, 2012

Poptropica FRIENDS!

Ever since i first joined poptropica, i have wanted a way to keep track of my friends. now i can do that!  i am very excited about poptropica friends because there are so many things to do! collect photos and costumes, create your personality, and best of all add friends! as you can see, i am a member and i can collect costumes. i am disappointed for my non member friends that only members can add costumes and view all their photos. i think that this is unfair although i love collecting costumes. i think that it is especially  unfair that they cannot view all their photos because since they earned them they should be able to view them! although poptropica friends isn't perfect, it's still really fun. also, as you can see from the picture, i have added some of the poptropica creators as friends! i found their names by guessing and because a few were posted on the creators' blog and on a few fan sites. if you would like to add them too, here are their user names:

  • Dr. Hare = jordanleary
  • Hazmat Hermit = justinlacy
  • Shark Boy = sharkboycreator
  • Director D = directordcreator1
  • Black Widow = blackwidowcreator
  • Hades = hadescreator1
  • Binary Bard = binarybard
  • Triton = tritoncreator
  • Captain Crawfish = captaincrawfishcreator
i know these are the real creators because their poptropican names really are their names. like black widow's poptropican name really is black widow. i hope everyone has fun adding friends and building a personality. see ya! :D

Poptropican Fashions: The Rebel

The Rebel
The Rebel is a fashionable look with a rebellious theme. the cap and jacket are from the Biker Girl costume, the belt and hair are from the Vampire Girl 1 outfit, the mouth is the same if you chew any type of gum and the shirt, pants, and bangs  are regular, customizable items. although this outfit is made up of alot of store items, you don't have to have it exactly like this. there are many different versions. you can have a white jacket or a different black jacket, a white cap ( found on some of the "randomized" characters from early poptropica ) instead of a black cap, straight hair instead of wavy. you can also wear this with a shirt that has large black stripes instead of small ones. this look is more like a trend. you can wear it how you like provided it still fits the theme. again, this outfit is also in my costume closet. as i said in the previous post, you can add me as a friend by adding my username rachel9041 to customize this look from my costume closet ( although store items are not customizable ). try coming up with different versions to see how they look! see you in the next post! :D

Poptropican Costumes: The Cat Costume

The Cat Costume
i have finally collected all the pieces of the cat costume in my costume closet! The Cat Costume was hard to find because not many people have all the pieces all at the same time. eventually though, i managed to get the whiskers, mouth, ears, and fuzzy body all together. the tail is from the werewolf costume ( although you can also use the tail from the puppy costume ), and the mouse is from the lion costume. i love the cat costume because i love cats! to get this costume you can add me as a friend ( my user name is rachel9041 ) and customize it from my costume closet. the store items, of course, are not customizable but you can buy them at the poptropica store. i love collecting different outfits and costumes from poptropica and will be posting more soon! 


Hi! this is a brand new blog about Poptropica! i will be posting all about poptropican fashions, poptropica hints, basically everything poptropican. i will try to post whenever i have time. right now i'm working on how it looks. i'll be posting soon!