May 8, 2012

Poptropican Fashions: The Rocker Girl

The Rocker Girl
I have created yet another poptropican fashion which i call: Rocker Girl.the nice thing about the rocker girl is that there are only two store items involved so you can get a rock star look without buying much. in fact, you really don't need to buy anything unless you feel that you absolutely need the guitar and face paint. if you do feel like you need the store items, you can get them from the Rock Star costume. the main purpose of this outfit though is that the hair, shirt, jacket, pants and bangs are all customizable! so you can get the awesome rocker hair without buying anything! the lips and bangs are also customizable though they can be substituted with something else. this outfit, like many others, is in my costume closet. to access it just friend my user name ( rachel9041 ) and customize it from my costume closet.try coming up with different versions. then take a screen shot and leave a comment with a link to it. i hope you have fun mixing and matching outfits to make your own rocker look! see ya in the next post! :D